Did you know there’s more to your abs than what you can see? Your core consists of multiple layers of abdominal muscles which each perform a function, as well as soft tissue, nerves, and blood vessels.
It’s important to switch up your ab workouts so that each layer of your abdominals is being exercised to build a stronger core, which is vital to keeping your entire body strong and stable.
Here are ten dynamic home ab workouts that require no equipment, but deliver a serious abdominal workout.
Build a Strong Core with These Home Ab Workouts
When you think about toning your abs, it’s important to consider your core as one entire unit rather than trying to engage one set of muscles.
Ultimately, engaging your entire core during each ab workout will not only help to build definition, but also strengthen your entire torso. As an added benefit, working out will improve your self-esteem!
Some of the best ab exercises are simple, uncomplicated moves that focus on form rather than speed. Remember to engage your core during each move and avoid over-straining your neck muscles. This will also help to protect your lower back.
1. Bent Leg V-Up
Lie down on your back with your arms bent at 90 degrees above your face. Lift and bend your knees to 90 degrees as well, and let them hover above your chest.
In one fluid, controlled movement, straighten your legs and lift your torso to meet your thighs, as if you’re trying to touch your toes. Lower back down to your starting position. Make sure to keep your core engaged as you straighten your legs.
Repeat for 15 reps.
2. Alternating Toe Reach
Lie down on your back with your arms straight at your sides and legs straight out in front of you. Now, raise your left leg and right arm to touch your toes, lifting your torso off the ground as you do so. Keep your core engaged. Then repeat with the opposite leg and arm.
Repeat for 15 reps on each side.
3. Lying Windshield Wipers
Lie faceup on the floor, stretching your arms out beside you. Lift your legs so that they’re hovering above the ground at about a 45-degree angle, keep them straight. Then, slowly lower your legs to the left side, engaging your core as you do so. Raise your legs back up and down across to the right side. Make sure this is one slow, controlled, fluid motion. If you have lower back pain, bend your knees at a 90-degree angle.
Repeat for 15 reps.
4. Side-To-Side Crunch
Lie down on your back with your knees bent and your feet placed firmly on the ground, keeping your arms flush against your sides.
Lift your shoulders off the ground and reach your right hand to the outside of your right foot. Keep your shoulders lifted off the ground as you repeat the same movement on the left side. That’s counts as one rep.
Repeat for 15 reps.
5. Cross Mountain Climbers
Get yourself into a standard pushup position, keeping your hips lifted and level with your shoulders. Keep your neck in a neutral position by looking forward.
Then, bring your right knee up towards the left side of your chest. Return to the starting position and repeat with your left leg before returning to your starting position. This counts as one rep.
Repeat for 15 reps.
6. Deadbugs
Lie faceup on the ground with your arms and legs up in the air, both bent at 90-degrees. Engage your core and press your lower back into the ground, then slowly lower your left leg and right arm in unison to touch the floor. Move back into your starting position and repeat with the opposite arm and leg. This counts as one rep.
Repeat for 15 reps.
7. Standing Lift
You’ll need a weighted object, such as a medicine ball, dumbbell, or a heavy book for this move.
Stand with your feet hip-width apart and feet pressed into the ground. Brace your core and slowly lower your body into a seated or squat position by bending the knees and sitting back into the hips. Reach the ball across the outside of your left leg as you do so.
Stand back up, swinging your arms across the body and up to the right while pressing your hips forward and squeezing the glutes. Repeat on the other side.
Complete 10 – 12 reps on each side.
8. Boat Pose
In a seated position on the ground, bend your knees at a 45-degree angle and keep them together. Lift your feet slightly off the ground and reach your arms forward, shifting your weight onto your sitting bones. Draw your abs into engagement and lift your chest.
Then, try straightening your legs as much as you can to form a ”V” shape with the body. Hold this pose for 30-45 seconds, or as long as you can manage. Don’t forget to breathe!
9. Lateral Plank Walk
Begin in your standard high-plank or pushup position. Make sure your palms are flat on the floor and shoulder-width apart. Engage your core and laterally walk on your hands and feet to the left while maintaining your high-plank position. Complete a set amount of reps in the same direction, then repeat in the opposite direction.
10. Reverse Press-Up
Lie face-up on your back and keep both hands at your sides, with your palms facing the ground. Extend your legs up into the air, in-line with your hips, while keeping your knees slightly bent.
Then, engage your core, keeping your lower back pushed into the ground as you push your feet up aimed at the ceiling. Make sure your hips lift off the floor as you push your feet into the air. Lower yourself back down and repeat for 15 reps.
Life Strategies We Should Have Been Taught
Looking for a more inspiration on everyday life, such as simple home workouts or tips on how to invest or manage your income?
The purpose of this site is to help you learn about the important life strategies we should have been taught. Check out this article on how to invest, even if you don’t have much money to start.