This 5-foot, 1-inch, 32-year-old Gemini’s net worth is between $1 million – $5 million! How does she do it? She’s a successful professional YouTuber with over 450 thousand subscribers.
If you haven’t guessed who it is by now, it’s Sunny Lenarduzzi.
This phenomenal self-made woman is a branding expert who specializes in helping others be their own boss. Her YouTube channel is chock-full of video content and marketing tips.
Fascinating Facts About Sunny Lenarduzzi
Given Sunny’s meteoric rise to fame in only a few short years, enjoy these 11 facts about the dazzling entrepreneur.
Her First Career
Sunny Lenarduzzi studied broadcasting in college with dreams of being a news anchor. She reported on the 2010 Olympic Games at the pinnacle of her career.
She was also a weather girl in Canada.
Although successful, she felt something was missing which turned out to be her creativity. She didn’t like the 9-5 grind so she turned to social media consulting. That later led her to hosting a morning show in Canada and then a YouTube channel.
What’s her YouTube channel about? Sunny mentors people through the entrepreneurial process. Like other mentors, she helps them reach their own success.
About Her Real Name
Sunny is her real name, and she says her parents aren’t hippies. Sunny has also been named a Must Watch YouTube Channel by Forbes as well as The Huffington Post’s 50 Must-Follow Women Entrepreneurs. called her a master.
Those aren’t actually names, of course, but they’re nice to be called!
She says she’s half Swedish and half Italian and considers herself a proud Canadian.
Her Favorite Cuppa
It isn’t coffee! Sunny doesn’t drink coffee and has never even had a whole cup. She does love tea.
Her favorite tea drink? Tropical green tea, along with Four Sigmatic. She recently discovered mushroom coffee.
Her Competitive Nature
Growing up in a sports family made Sunny quite competitive, though she claims no special athletic skills. Her grandfather was a rugby legend and only had one arm.
Although she says she’s not athletic, she was a competitive dancer when she was younger. She still loves dancing, especially hip-hop. She also sweats it out in regular Orange Theory classes.
Her View About Rejection
Most everyone fears rejection and Sunny is no exception, but she has learned to conquer it. She was a teenage actor and then a journalist and now an entrepreneur. There’s no way around rejection in any of those fields!
She feels rejection builds resiliency and cautions not to let a fear of failure keep you from doing what you love.
On Communication
If you’ve ever watched Sunny’s YouTube channel, you know that she’s all about communicating. The thing Sunny stresses is authentic communication.
Sunny feels that once you’ve learned to communicate the authentic you, then the sky’s the limit. Her mission is helping you own your entrepreneurial gig so you’ll have the personal freedom you desire.
We’ve all seen so much filtered content that it’s refreshing to see others with all their flaws. That’s authentic. No one is perfect, and others see it when you’re not coming across as fully you.
If you’re starting a YouTube channel or video blog, Sunny has lots to say. When it comes to personal branding, she can teach you the right mindset and arm you with tactics―like the 8 mentioned here.
Her Technology Fascination
Sunny’s fascinated by technology. She loves gadgets and after starting an online magazine, she fell in love with the digital space. She also does a little tech reporting and reviewing.
Her Current Business
In 2018, Sunny’s business hit the million-dollar mark. How did she do it? She says through content creation that helps others be their own boss.
She loves teaching and that comes through in all her videos. In addition to her YouTube video channel, Sunny has a podcast. She also does tons of speaking engagements and even spoke at NATO’s headquarters in Belgium.
How much revenue has she helped her clients generate? Over $5 million! All that revenue came from organic YouTube traffic.
Her own content creation is prolific, posting new videos every Tuesday and a podcast on Thursdays. She speaks with confidence about both.
When Did She Cry?
The answer may surprise you! She cried upon seeing the Spice Girls in concert. Her favorite Spice Girl is Scary Spice.
She lets on that if you search her Instagram account, you can find her dressed as her favorite Spice Girl.
Some of Her Well-Known Clients
Have you heard of Hootsuite? She’s created video campaigns for them. She also had a stunning over 1 billion impressions in one day on a campaign she created for Applebee’s.
Her other clients include real estate companies, tech start-ups, and health & wellness leaders. She’s helped online personalities as well as authors.
On a More Serious Note
Sunny’s lost two grandparents to Alzheimer’s. That’s put the disease on her radar, and she’s a big supporter of Alzheimer’s research.
Lots of Fun Facts About Sunny Lenarduzzi
Sunny Lenarduzzi is a fascinating, fun marketing whiz and entrepreneur. She started out as a teen actor, moved on to broadcasting, and ended up with a wildly successful marketing and branding business.
Her YouTube channel is a huge hit, and she’s helped clients generate over $5 million in revenue. She loves helping her clients find their authentic voice and monetizing what they love.
Sunny stresses that helping others is a critical key to success. When you help others while doing what you love, you can’t go wrong.
Being an entrepreneur isn’t easy, and Sunny lets you see that she’s not perfect. It’s that authentic touch that brings people to her YouTube channel and that’s why they stay.
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