This article contains 25 of the most awe-inspiring Marie Forleo quotes released by the American life and business coach, author and famed web TV personality.
As a long-time fan of Marie Forleo, I believe they will inspire you, compel you and motivate you to think differently about your approach to life’s obstacles.
Who is Marie Forleo?
Born and raised in New Jersey, Marie Forleo is a renowned business coach, a motivational speaker, author of two #1 New York Times bestselling books, and the host of the online television show Marie TV. Phew, that’s a mouthful of accolades!
After receiving her college degree in business, Marie worked as a trading assistant on the super hectic and stressful floor of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).
After realizing she isn’t suited for the 9-5 grind, she left her job at the NYSE and began doing odd jobs. These jobs included everything from bartending, to waiting tables and choreographing hip-hop dance sequences for MTV.
During this time, she slowly and gradually built a life and business coaching company from the ground up. The company, which is called the Marie Forleo International, focuses on helping small businesses get started on the right path. It also contains personal development training and guidance for new and upcoming entrepreneurs.
Marie Forleo’s Rise to Fame
Forleo has met and interacted with multiple big names in the media industry. In 2011, the founder of the Virgin Group and fellow philanthropist Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson invited Forleo to personally mentor aspiring young entrepreneurs in his Centre for Entrepreneurship. has listed her website as one of the “Top 100 Websites for Entrepreneurs”.
Even the famous Oprah Winfrey has called Forleo “a thought leader for the next generation.” Marie also spoke to 9,000+ entrepreneurs at Grant Cardone’s GrowthCon in February 2020.
Marie Forleo has also authored 2 international bestselling books. Released in 2008, her first book was titled, Make Every Man Want You: How to Be So Irresistible You’ll Barely Keep from Dating Yourself!
Then in 2019, she published Everything is Figureoutable: One Simple Belief to Create Unstoppable Success. This second book reflects her decade of experience “in the trenches” building a lucrative business—and personal brand—as a modern female entrepreneur.
Marie Forleo’s philosophy on success is to trust in yourself, follow your heart, and start taking action instead of getting stuck in contemplation. She believes that whatever kind of work you do, whether you’re running your own business or working for someone else, approaching it with a creative and entrepreneurial spirit is vital to leading a fulfilled life.
Marie Forleo is married to Joshua Atwill Pais, an American actor and acting coach who she married in 2006. According to online estimates, she has a net worth of $14 million.
Awe-Inspiring Marie Forleo Quotes
Below are what I consider to be 25 of Marie Forleo’s most awe-inspiring quotes about building the business and life of your dreams.
1. “Not having the best situation, but seeing the best in your situation is the key to happiness.” –Marie Forleo
2. “You can do whatever you set your mind to if you just roll up your sleeves, get in there, and do it. Everything is figureoutable.” – Marie Forleo, Everything is Figureoutable
3. “I win or I learn, but I never lose.”
|– Marie Forleo, Everything Is Figureoutable
4. “Your potential is limitless. You are unique, valuable, capable, and worthy of the dreams in your heart. Most of all, you have what it takes to transform and transcend whatever challenges you face.”
– Marie Forleo, Everything is Figureoutable
5. “Energetically speaking, when you are lost in your thoughts, you are a closed system that’s emitting “I’m not available” vibes. You reduce the probability of meeting someone because spiritually, you’re not open for business.”
― Marie Forleo, Make Every Man Want You: How to Be So Irresistible You’ll Barely Keep from Dating Yourself!
6. “Every pro starts off as an amateur. There’s not one top artist, athlete, writer, scientist, architect, entrepreneur, programmer, musician, or potter who enters the field at the top of her game. To begin anything new or learn anything new means you will be a neophyte. You must go from outsider to insider. Respect that. Embrace it. Be willing to suck.”
― Marie Forleo, Everything Is Figureoutable
7. “Don’t wait until you find someone. You are someone” – Marie Forleo, Make Every Man Want You: How to Be So Irresistible You’ll Barely Keep from Dating Yourself!
8. “There’s an adage that says, “The grass is always greener where you water it.” Until you start giving your current relationship the attention it deserves, you’ll remain in a painful space of second-guessing, thinking about what you should or shouldn’t do. Stop holding back and start being completely honest, compassionate, and loving toward the person you’re with. The relationship will either move ahead or it won’t. You can’t figure this out in your mind—you need to fully engage with your heart. Only then will you discover your truth.”
― Marie Forleo, Make Every Man Want You: How to Be So Irresistible You’ll Barely Keep from Dating Yourself!
9. “Remember—humans once believed the world was flat, that margarine was better than butter, and that an ice-pick lobotomy cured mental illness. Aren’t you glad those days are over?”
― Marie Forleo, Everything Is Figureoutable
10. “In order to change ourselves, we must first believe we can.”
― Marie Forleo, Everything Is Figureoutable
11. “Fear is excitement with the brakes on. It’s just energy. Fear can be instructive and directive. It’s a guide that’ll show you exactly where you have to go.”
– Marie Forleo
12. “Success doesn’t come from what you do occasionally, it comes from what you do consistently.”
– Marie Forleo
13. “Clarity comes from action not thought.” – Marie Forleo
14. “Don’t let anyone tell you what you can’t do.” – Marie Forleo
15. “The key to success is to start before you’re ready.” – Marie Forleo
16. “To be responsible, keep your promises to others. To be successful, keep your promises to yourself.”
– Marie Forleo
17. “Don’t be afraid of failure, be afraid of not trying in the first place.”
– Marie Forleo
18. “You’re always being led to your highest good, as long as you have the courage to listen.”
– Marie Forleo
19. “Sensitivity is a sign of strength. It’s not about toughening up, it’s about smartening up.”
– Marie Forleo
20. “Show up in every single moment like you’re meant to be there.”
– Marie Forleo
21. “I have never, ever, EVER met anyone who’s regretted following their heart.”
– Marie Forleo
22. “Make is-ness your business and meet life as it shows up—not as you prefer it to show up.”
–Marie Forleo
23. “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better”
― Marie Forleo, Everything is Figureoutable
24. “True fulfillment in life doesn’t come from what we get, it comes from what we give.”
– Marie Forleo
25. “Clarity comes from action not thought.”
– Marie Forleo
Marie Forleo Quotes to Live By
These quotes by Marie Forleo are life-changing to ponder on their own, but even better when consumed in context. After all, Marie’s energy and vibe is a big part of what makes her successful. If you can, check her out on Marie TV, grab her books, or visit her at
What other Marie Forleo quotes do you love? Let me know below and we’ll add them to the list.
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