The time for diversity is now. Stories need to be told from a wide range of perspectives by storytellers from different backgrounds. Social media allows everyone to have a platform—and accounts that inspire are the ones that are trending.
In a country that feels divided, where some identities are treated as less than, queer influencers of color are standing up for themselves and others. These individuals aren’t afraid to be themselves, experiment, and attract well-deserved attention.
Top 15 Queer Influencers of Color
Below are 15 of my favorite queer influencers of color, who are sharing their stories and being unapologetically themselves. Often unrecognized but never silenced, these members of the LGBTQIA+ community are not going anywhere.
1. Ziggy
A spoken word artist, Ziggy is known for the truth in her poetry and her edgy fashion. She’s an advocate of keeping the LGBTQ community lively and speaking their truth.
You can follow her @theepoetictruth.
2. Kareem Maliek
A trained makeup artist with the ability to transform, Kareem Maliek fills his feed with glowing makeup looks and self-care tips. A feed full of color, everything from a psychedelic rainbow to golden monarch with space for activism mixed in.
Follow him on Instagram @facedbykareem.
3. Jamila Reddy
As a Buddhist writer and life coach, Jamila Reddy encourages people to live intentionally. Proudly Black and Boriqua, queer, and gender non-conforming, they provide their audience with messages about life, learning, and vulnerability.
You can listen to their podcast Deliberate and Doing it Afraid and follow them on Instagram @jamilareddy.
4. Theodoor Grimes
Theodoor Grime is non-binary, gay, and a visual artist based in Philadelphia. Their art is full of people of color, illustrating relationships in colorful and detailed images. Gabriella’s art is available to be bought on their website.
Follow Gabriella on Instagram @ggggrimes.
5. Devin-Norelle
A writer, model, and transgender advocate, Devin-Norelle’s mission is to show the spectrum of transgender people and gender expression. Ze was the first masculine model to walk the Chromat fashion show for New York Fashion Week in 2019.
Love connecting with new influencers? Follow him on Instagram @steroidbeyonce.
6. Dr. Shanté Cofield
Dr. Shanté Cofield is the founder of The Movement Maestro, and a physical therapist turned entrepreneur. She offers classes in-person and online, teaching students the ins and outs of Instagram and online business.
Check out her Instagram @themovementmaestro.
7. Catherine
Determined to take down fat erasure, Catherine posts body-positive life, style, and beauty photos. As an Instagram influencer, her colorful feed full of dreamy photos will have you seeing life in the full spectrum.
You can follow her Instagram @fatangryblackgirl.
8. Ericka Hart
A breast cancer survivor, Ericka Hart is not afraid of showing off her mastectomy scars. Her body-positive photos encourage others to love their bodies no matter how they’re made. She is also a sex educator and a racial, social, and gender justice advocate.
Follow them on Instagram @ihartericka.
9. Jessamyn Stanley
Self-described as a “fat Black femme,” Jessamyn Stanley is also a yoga teacher. Her body-positive account fights the idea that you have to have a certain body type to practice. Jessamyn hosts a podcast, has an app for yoga, and a book, Every Body Yoga.
You can follow her Instagram @mynameisjessamyn.
10. Amber Whittington
Amber Whittington is an activist and YouTuber who is one of the loudest voices fighting for the equal rights of the LGBTQ+ community. She defines influencer by using her platform to speak up on societal issues, especially for minority communities.
Follow her on Instagram @amberscloset.
11. Gabby Rivera
Gabby Rivera is probably best known for her queer Latinx coming-of-age book. Juliet Takes a Breath, a story of a young brown girl exploring her race, identity, and a summer fling.
Rivera was hired by Marvel to write the story of Amanda Chavez, the first queer, Latina superhero. You can follow her on Instagram @quirkyrican.
12. Uwern Jong
Uwern Jong is the Editor-in-Chief of the leading luxury travel publication for gay men, OutThere. He seeks to inspire and impact the LGBTQ+ community to dream big, be visible, and show up for their rights.
Emboldening and empowering LGBTQ folks is as much of a passion to Uwern as traveling. Follow his travels on Instagram @uwern.
13. Julio Salgado
Julio Salgado is a political artist based in Los Angeles. He is the co-founder of DreamersAdrift, a medium platform that’s led by undocumented creatives. His bright and vivid cartoons depict queer, undocumented immigrants like himself.
Follow his Instagram @juliosalgado83.
14. Teraj
As an accomplished recording artist, model, and Instagram influencer, Teraj is an inspiration to his fan base. He encourages listeners through his uplifting and inspiring music and lyrics based on his own life experiences.
This influencer highlights the importance of being authentic to oneself and live their truth. You can follow him on Instagram @teraj08.
15. Kenny Ethan Jones
Kenny Ethan Jones is a transgender model and activist. He became the first trans man to be the face of a period campaign, outspoken about the need to change the menstruation conversation.
He fights to reduce the stigma surrounding transmen, intersex, and non-binary folks who menstruate but don’t identify as female. Follow his Instagram @kennyethanjones.
Celebrating Queer Influencers of Color
These queer influencers of color aren’t afraid to put their bodies and voices out there for all to see, regardless of how they are perceived. As I know from first-hand experience, this takes incredible courage.
Please go follow every person on the list above, because their messages are profound and they have ascended as thought leaders for a reason.