If you are one of the roughly 7 million people expected to make an attempt at selling your home this year, you probably understand the need to advertise it.
With the housing market still surging, effective real estate advertising strategies are at a premium. With so many homes for sale, it can be tough to get a new listing to successfully stand out from the rest of the pack.
Real Estate Advertising In Today’s Market
Making your new listing “pop” in the local real estate listings can be a tricky proposition. There are some things that you can and should consider if you want to sell your home fast. Let’s take a look at 5 tips to get the job done as quickly as possible.
1. Hire a Real Estate Agent
This is the first major consideration you should have once you decide on selling a home. Sure, real estate agents take a cut of the money that you’ll make off of the sale of the home due to their commission, but this can be looked at as a positive. The higher that they are able to negotiate the price for your home, the more that they stand to profit.
Another benefit of hiring a real estate agent is that they will do most, if not all, of the advertising work for you. The relationships they have with other local realtors and the advertising dollars they put into marketing your home can help you find potential buyers faster than you could yourself.
2. Hire a Photographer
These days everyone is a “professional” photographer if they have the latest technology. However, a real professional doesn’t just have the tech; they’ve got the talent and the knowledge to make your home look great in real estate listings online.
One of the biggest changes in selling a home as of late is the ability to advertise effectively online rather than in print. You can read more information here on that topic.
They have the expertise to make a home look more inviting, and in some cases, they may have a trick or two up their sleeve to make it look bigger. Additionally, they can improve the lighting in dimly lit rooms, and add in staged items, like art or furniture, through digital techniques.
The most important thing in the advertising stage is to get potential buyers through the door, after all.
3. Host an Open House
If you followed the advice above and hired a real estate agent, they are likely to take care of this part for you, as well. Open House events get potential buyers in the door (see the importance of that above) where you or your real estate agent can woo them into considering the purchase.
It is also an opportunity for your potential buyers to see that other people are interested in your property too.
4. Do Your Homework and Start at the Right Price
Starting with the right price can be very beneficial in selling the home fast. If you price your home to sell, it stands to reason that it’ll move faster. That is not to say that you should underprice it, but be sure to check the prices of comparable homes in the area and price at or just slightly above that level.
5. Sweat the Small Stuff
Take care of those small, quick repairs that you’ve been putting off for months, like lubricating door hinges, sealing cracks in your concrete sidewalks, or even putting a fresh coat of sealant on your privacy fence.
Little details can go a long way when it comes to selling a home quickly.
Do Your Homework
Now that you’ve taken the first step by investigating some quick tips for successful real estate advertising keep looking, do your research, ask friends who may have experience in selling a home, and repeat what others have done.
In the meantime, check out the real estate section of this site to learn more.