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The 8 Best Bitcoin Books of All-Time

Bitcoin books

Bitcoin hit the scene back in 2009. In just over a decade, the world’s first cryptocurrency went from obscurity to a market capitalization of more than $1 trillion.

Not only that, but bitcoin launched a financial revolution, spurring a larger cryptocurrency market, which has a total value of more than $3 trillion today. Individual investors, as well as large organizations, are adding bitcoin to their balance sheets on a daily basis.

But what exactly is bitcoin, and what is driving the high levels of growth and adoption? The best bitcoin books help to break down how bitcoin works, why it’s so valuable, and where the most popular cryptocurrencies are going in the future.

You owe it to yourself to understand this global asset class. Here are the best crypto books to help you learn about bitcoin.

1. The Bitcoin Standard

The Bitcoin Standard was written Saifedean Ammous and released in 2018. It’s one of the most popular bitcoin resources available. It provides the historical context necessary to understand why bitcoin is revolutionary and which age-old problems it aims to solve.

2. The 7th Property

The 7th Property: Bitcoin and the Monetary Revolution, was written by Eric Yates, and was released in June 2021. The 7th Property explains how bitcoin is poised to revolutionize our current (outdated) financial system.

To do that, Eric takes a look at our current financial model and the problems that plague Americans and shows how the technology powering bitcoin can be the solution we all need.

3. The Internet of Money

Author and acclaimed information-security expert, Andreas M. Antonopoulos, wrote The Internet of Money in 2016 to explain the why of bitcoin since most books only explain how it works.

The book shows that bitcoin is disrupting and changing many industries beyond the world of finance, impacting the lives of billions.

If you’re looking to learn about Bitcoin is simple terms all while being entertained, then there’s simply no one better than this author, Andreas Antonopoulos.

4. Layered Money

Layered Money, written by Nik Bhatia, in 2021, documents the transformation of our financial system over time. Layered Money documents the history of using gold as currency, transitioning to dollars, the emergence of bitcoin, and the eminence of central bank digital currencies.

5. The Book Of Satoshi

The Book of Satoshi is one of the older blockchain books on this list, having come out in 2014. But author, Phil Champagne, takes a deep dive into an extremely important subject; the founder of bitcoin.

The Book of Satoshi documents and summarizes the writings of the anonymous founder, and how they shaped the current crypto market.

6. Cryptocurrency

Looking to learn about crypto in a general way? Abraham K White wrote an extremely helpful overview of the world of cryptocurrency and the mechanics that make it work, including how to invest in crypto today.

Originally released in 2017, Cryptocurrency was updated in 2020.

7. Bitcoin From Beginner to Expert

Bitcoin From Beginner to Expert, written by Christian Newman, hit the shelves in 2017. The author first discovered bitcoin back in 2010 and has devoted his career to the subject matter. Bitcoin From Beginner to Expert provides an overview of bitcoin and how you can use it, mine it, and invest in it safely.

8. Digital Gold by Nathaniel Popper

The world of bitcoin and cryptocurrency is full of interesting characters and unbelievable stories. Many have gone broke in search of crypto riches. But many have made millions, and in some cases, billions, with the rise of bitcoin.

Digital Gold, written by Nathaniel Popper in 2016, documents some of the most important figures in the world of cryptocurrency to see just how lucrative, and dangerous, bitcoin can be.

Start Your Crypto Journey With the Best Bitcoin Books

Whether you believe in cryptocurrency or think it’s a fad, you owe it to yourself to educate yourself on this global asset class. The bitcoin books listed above will provide you with a world-class education on the subject matter.

If you’re looking to go deeper into the topics of crypto and wealth building, then check out these articles.

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